Online Chess School
Discover new, immerse yourself to the wonderful world of chess

Why is a certificate for online chess lessons
a great gift?
a great gift?
This is a universal gift that is suitable for both children and adults, because you give not just a gift-impression, but at the same time, you make a contribution to the development of the personality of a loved one.
Chess is becoming more and more popular every year, people solve problems, play online among themselves, both amateur and professional competitions are held, everyone wants to either learn or improve their playing skills.
This gift will definitely be used, because chess lessons can be held at any convenient time and in any place. Moreover, most likely the person to whom you present the certificate will continue to study at our online school, as he will get tremendous pleasure from training with the best coaches.

By purchasing a certificate from the Chessfirst online chess school, you will definitely not go wrong with a gift and give a person unforgettable intellectual emotions.